
Hormones crave sweets... especially in autumn

Photo: Fotolia
Photo: Fotolia

Depressed mood and lethargy affects most people in the fall and winter. It is also a period in which some people experience increased craving for sweets. It turns out that the "sweet tooth" has hormonal background, Olsztyn researchers explain.

Radosław Majewski from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn explained that melatonin is involved in the regulation of circadian.

"The most important factor that regulates the biosynthesis of melatonin in the pineal gland is light. During the day, the concentration of this hormone is low and increases at night, reaching a peak around 2 AM. Increasing concentration of melatonin is a signal for the body to prepare for sleep. Because of light shortage during fall and winter, melatonin concentration is higher than in spring and summer, making us feel tired and apathetic" - he stressed.

Remigiusz Filarski from the Olsztyn institute added that another hormone - serotonin - has a very broad spectrum of activity, affecting the regulation of sleep, appetite and mood. It has been demonstrated that people suffering from recurrent mood disorders have decreased levels of serotonin in the brain. There is a relationship between the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and the concentration of serotonin in the brain. Their consumption - Filarski noted - results in higher blood glucose increase, in response to which insulin is secreted.

"This hormone helps the precursor of serotonin, tryptophan, cross the blood-brain barrier. Then its concentration increases, resulting in the production of serotonin, +the happiness hormone+. However, this is a short-term effect, lasting approx. 1.5 hours. After this time, serotonin levels drop, and we feel tired, sluggish, and again experience an irresistible urge to consume something sweet. When we reach for another piece of chocolate, we should remember that excess carbohydrates that can not be immediately +burnt+ are deposited as fat" - said Filarski.

Therefore, Olsztyn researchers suggest that to survive the long winter in good physical condition and at the same time maintain a normal body weight, diet modification is needed. Although energy demand is higher in the autumn and winter, we should not consume sugars without moderation. Their excess is associated with the risk of overweight or obesity. The main sources in the diet are sweets, sodas, half-confectionary pastries (plaits, buns, butter rolls), fruit juices.

Experts point out that our allies in the fight against seasonal mood changes are complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. They cause gradual release of glucose into the blood. Their sources are cereal products: flour, cereal, rice, pasta, oatmeal.

"When preparing meals, keep in mind that the rice or pasta should not be overcooked because it increases the glycemic index. Similarly in the case of vegetables, which are best eaten raw or briefly steamed. Due to a higher content of dietary fibre, minerals and vitamins, we recommend whole wheat or graham bread, buckwheat, brown rice, wholemeal pasta" - emphasised Radosław Majewski.

Agnieszka Libudzka (PAP)

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