Polish history congress starts in Krakow | Science in Poland
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Polish history congress starts in Krakow

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The Second International Congress of Polish History started in Krakow on Thursday. The Pro Historia Polonorum prize for the best foreign language publication on the history of Poland went to Antony Polonsky from the USA.

Professor Antony Polonsky was awarded for his book titled The Jews in Poland and Russia.

Poland\'s Senate Speaker Bogdan Borusewicz and Chairman of the Jury Professor Andrzej Banach presented the award. The laureate said that although the prize was designed for foreigners, he did not feel a foreign historian.

I studied in Warsaw and it was here in Poland where I learned Polish history from my Polish friends. I feel Polish, the awardee said.

Nine scholars from Russia, Germany, the US, France, Bulgaria and Ukraine received nominations to the Pro Historia Polonorum award.

An honorary special prize for her work as a whole was given to Professor Natalia Lebedeva from Russia.

"We are always interested in what others think and speak of us. The congress is important for our consciousness and for shaping the image of Poland and Poles abroad," Speaker Borusewicz said.

Nearly 500 participants, including 250 speakers from 30 countries, are taking part in the congress which ends of Saturday.

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