Credit: Adobe Stock

Polish astronaut on ISS to carry out psychological study prepared by University of Silesia

The University of Silesia in Katowice has signed a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) to monitor the mental and behavioural health of astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS). The test person will be a Polish astronaut.

  • Adobe Stock

    Scientists investigate whether trams can help urban nature

    International research involving scientists from Poland, Germany and Brazil has been exploring why trams have an impact on biodiversity in urban areas.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Artificial intelligence diagnoses autism spectrum better than specialists

    Artificial intelligence diagnoses the autism spectrum better than specialists. The AI achieved sensitivity and specificity rates of 70 to 90 percent. The effectiveness of specialists ranges from 60 to a random 50 percent, says Dr. Izabela Chojnicka, assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    High levels of existential security linked to faster secularisation, study finds

    Secularisation progresses faster in societies with a high level of existential security. It is similar in different countries, despite cultural differences and religious traditions, shows international research led by Dr. Konrad Talmont-Kamiński from the University of Bialystok.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Concrete, microplastics and implants will be all that remains of humanity, says geologist

    Concrete and microplastics will remain in layers corresponding to our geological period. Fillings, metal and plastic implants and plastic clothes will also survive, Professor Jan Zalasiewicz, a geologist and proponent of the establishment of the geological epoch called Anthropocene, told PAP.

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    Autism spectrum analysed by AI to better understand neurodiversity

    A Polish research team from IDEAS NCBR is using artificial intelligence algorithms to analyse the statements of people on the autism spectrum. Scientists hope that this will help them develop tools to improve the quality of life of neurodivergent people and make their social integration more effective.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    AI is unfair and reproduces inequalities just like we do, says expert

    We often hear that artificial intelligence is objective and fair. But because the algorithms are fed with data distorted by non-objective reality, AI, too, will repeat these biases. As long as society is unjust, non-inclusive and riddled with stereotypes, AI, which is supposed to reflect reality, will reinforce inequalities, says Dr. Anna Górska, a researcher from the Kozminski University.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Smart cities are concrete actions, not just seductive narrative, says expert

    'Smart' solutions may not be just a seductive narrative that sounds nice in election ads. They should, above all, be activities that actually improve the standard of living of residents, says Professor Dorota Dobija from the Koźmiński University.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Artificial intelligence reproduces gender biases and stereotypes

    The common belief that algorithms and artificial intelligence are completely objective is a misconception. Technology has always reflected the prejudices and stereotypes that exist in societies, because the databases on which it is based and learns are optimised and implemented by people, say researchers.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Warsaw 'car enthusiasts' not much different from 'pro-ecological' residents, shows study

    The majority of Warsaw residents who declare to be 'pro-ecological' choose a car as a means of transport on a daily basis. At the same time, 70 percent of 'car enthusiasts' actually drive a car every day, a study by a Polish-Norwegian team of scientists shows.

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Credit: Coolerheat/Łukasz Witanowski

Scientists want to produce cooling from heat

Dr. Łukasz Witanowski from the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk proposes to use waste heat to produce cooling. The scientist is working on a system that will, for example, enable heating networks to generate cooling for air conditioning systems in the summer.